Gall Stone diet chart more than 10 mm

Diet Cure for Gall Bladder Disorder

Surgery becomes necessary if the gallstones are very large or in cases in which they have been present for long. Smaller gallstones can, however, be cleared through dietetic cure. 

In cases of acute gall-bladder inflammation, the patient should fast for two or three days, until the acute condition is cleared. Nothing but water should be taken during the fast. After the fast, the patient should take fruit and vegetable juices for few days. The juice of carrots, beets, grapefruits, pears, lemons or grapes may be used.

Diet for Gall Bladder Disorder:

After the juices, the patient should adopt a well balanced diet, which should contain an adequate amount of all the essential nutrients. Ideally, the diet should be lacto-vegetarian, with emphasis on raw and cooked vegetables, fruit and vegetables juices, and a moderate amount of fruits and seeds. Pears should be eaten generously as they have a specific healing effect on gall¬bladder. Yogurt,-cottage cheese and a tablespoon of olive oil twice a day should also be included in the diet. Oil serves as a stimulant for the production of bile and lipase, the fat digesting enzymes. High quality vegetable oil in the diet also prevents gall-stone formation.

The patient should eat frequent small meals rather than three large meals. 

Diet Chart for Chronic Gall Bladder patients:

Upon arising:  A glass of lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice and honey or fresh fruit(apple/mausami/citrus) juice.

Breakfast:    Fresh fruit, roti or (one or two slices of whole meals toast) and a cup of skimmed powder milk.(double toned/fat free milk/cow milk)

Mid-morning: Fresh fruit juice.

Lunch: Vegetable soup, a large salad consisting of vegetables in season with dressing of lemon or vegetable oil. Fresh fruit for dessert, if desired.

Dinner: Vegetable juice, one or two lightly cooked vegetables, baked potato, roti or brown or unpolished rice or whole-wheat wheat tortilla and a glass of buttermilk.

The pain of gall-stone colic can be relieved by the application of hot packs or fomentation to the Upper abdominal area. A warm water enema at body temperature will help eliminate faecal accumulations if the patient is constipated. Exercise is also essential.

You can not "break" stones, because most liver and gallbladder stones (99%) are made up of cholesterol, and cholesterol is a waxy substance, not something that can break easily.  But, you can try to dissolve cholesterol stones, by changing your diet, and by cleansing.

There are several "remedies" that work for aiding liver function and for dissolving bile stones:

- Radish juice every day!
- Vegetable juices
- Water Cure
- salt cure

- Cholagogue herbs: herbs that promote production and excretion of bile, and most popular ar: dandalion, wormwood, sage, golden seal, lobelia,...
- Coffee Enema

Herbal remedies:
- Clarkia
- swedish bitters
- chinese bitters
- copits
- gold coin grass

- many other herbs!

There are 2 methods to deal with stones that are too big to pass through cystic duct.

Method I: reduce the size of Gall Stone
Trying to dissolve stones - or to make them softer
Take a little magnesium ( Epsom Salt dissolved in glass of water) every day.
Diet is extremely important.
Clarkia tincture, Chinese Bitters, Sweedish bitters, Gold Coin Grass, Coptis, ...
All cholagogue herbs (bitter herbs that promote bile excretion) help dissolve stones.
- Coffe Enema

Method II: Incraese the the size of Bile duct
Trying to make bile ducts more flexible and stratchable
You know that parts ov vagina of some women break when giving birth.
It is happening more often those days. It was very rare or unknown in the past. It never happens to wild animals. Lack of magnesium Poor diet, toxins, not enough motion, vaccination, bad fats, not enough
vitamins and minerals amkes the organs rigid. Gallbladder, liver and bile ducts can be flexible and helathy , or unflexible and unhealthy.
What to do ? Take a little magnesium (epsom salt dissolved in juice) every day.

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